Please note that if you want to attend the 3rd European Congress on the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome in Barcelona on 16th and 17th November, you need to sign up. You…
Anxiety disorders and idiopathic autism found in children with 22q11, scientifics discovered. See all the findings in the video below:
My name is Mathilde Fleury, I am 27 years old and I come from Dunkirk, France. My syndrome was detected at birth. My mother had to watch me constantly because…
You want to know how to get support or information in your own country or language? See all of our members and local organisations here.
The goal of 22q11 Europe is to create a 22q11 community at the European level and to disseminate scientific knowledge to families of affected individuals. 22q11 Europe organises a biannual…
Do you want to be a part of 22q11 Europe? All requests to become a Full Member or Associate Member of the Association will be addressed in a written form…
We are very happy to announce that Maude Schneider has accepted the role of Scientific Coordinator! Her key objective is to reinforce the links between the research communities and the…