Home 22q11 Stories

22q11 Stories

These testimonials are part of our “22q11 Story” campaign launched on our Facebook page to help raise awareness and share what it is like to live with the 22q11 syndrome. Discover these inspiring stories…

  • Hello, this is my story with 22q11 syndrome. I was born on 18/08/1991. Around the age of 6, I had learning difficulties in math and comprehension problems, but I didn’t…

  • Aria is a 3 year old girl from Faroe Islands. The start of Aria’s life was a difficult time for her. When Aria was born, the nurse heard and saw…

  • Ana was born as a seemingly healthy child, apart from umbilical hernia she had at the birth, but soon the first problems arose. Because of her failure to thrive we…

  • My story with Di George syndrome begins in 2009 following a consultation with a pediatrician for my 3 year old daughter.We consulted a pediatrician because my daughter, born in 2006,…

  • Hello, I’m Leonie, I’m almost ten years old and I live in Colligny, a small village in France. I was diagnosed with 22q11 syndrome at the age of 26 months…

  • Does happiness mean being someone ? I’m not an engineer, I’m not a writer, I don’t have a B.A. or even a college diploma. However, that does not make me…

  • My name is Cristina, I am from Ciudad Real and, most importantly, I am the mother of two boys. One of them is affected by 22q11 deletion, his name is…

  • Our purpose in life: Adriana’s happiness. When you become pregnant you always have a fundamental objective, that is for the baby to be healthy. In our case, the pregnancy went…

  • My name is Aine, I am 33 years old and I live in Ireland. I was diagnosed with 22q11 at 21 years old. Growing up I had textbook symptoms, I…

  • Hello, My name is Audrey and my husband is Sebastien. We are the parents of a 5 year old little boy, named Jonas. We learned that he was a carrier…

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