At the 3rd international conference on 22q11 in Barcelona in November 2019, Yaffa Serur (Psychiatric Division of Children and Adolescents – Sheba Medical Center) covered the impact of the environment of a 22q11DS child on psychopathologies.
70% of 22q11DS patients are affected by at least one psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia, ADHD, ASD or idiopathic autism. Yet, the familial environment of a child, such as expressed emotions (the caregiver’s attitude towards a person with a psychiatric disorder), parental stress or parental psychopathology can have an impact on cognitive and psychosocial outcomes in children.
The researchers found out that in 22q11DS too, high parental stress and expressed emotions lead to a higher psychiatric symptomatology in children.
Click here to read the full presentation