Does happiness mean being someone ? I’m not an engineer, I’m not a writer, I don’t have a B.A. or even a college diploma. However, that does not make me a person who does not understand anything or who does not see the essence in life ? I got a personal service CAPA, which allowed me to work with children and seniors for a few years, but that didn’t make me happy.
At the age of 28, I was diagnosed with Di George syndrome because of many health and learning problems. I tried to get training to get a degree and integrate socially. I didn’t accept my invisible disability, but since I discovered the reason behind all my problems, I’ve accepted who I am. I am ready to treat myself for my important mood disorders and especially to manage my manic phases that can put my life in danger and cause harm to my loved ones. Above all, I am ready to take care of my health.
For 7 years, I have been receiving the Allowance for Disabled Adults (AAH in french). I continued to want to work in a protected environment, but I didn’t succeed. Does that make me lazy ? Does that make me an anti-social person? No, I know how to integrate into society, but not when my health reminds me to take care of myself and try to be happy. I realized that feeling good about yourself was more important than wanting to achieve the goals society imposes, like having a home. I’m not interested in that. I’ve had a dog or a pet. I even managed to get my driver’s license after a few years of difficulties. I have a car thanks to my parents.
I have a stable life, thanks to my choices and some unexpected and meaningful encounters. I’m always followed by a speech therapist. We work on mental management. I have no memory, except a photographic one, which means I don’t remember anything, including foreign languages, and training beyond a workman’s diploma is difficult for me.
Again, does that make me a bad person or a rejection of society ? Who said that people who have “nothing” are not intelligent ? In a way, I thought about writing my story to raise awareness of Di George’s syndromes, but my life is so ordinary, so similar to that of someone who doesn’t have it, that I’m not sur I see the point. I just wanted to send a message of hope to those who do not accept life as it is.
Live to the fullest ! Take advantage of opportunities to get what you want, but within reasonable limits. Do not exhaust yourself in building a life that you cannot support because of the expectations imposed by society.
Just be happy with your loved ones and your family. That’s what really matters. I wish you good luck for the future.