Do you want to be a part of 22q11 Europe?
All requests to become a Full Member or Associate Member of the Association will be addressed in a written form to the Board. It shall be at the discretion of the Board to decide upon granting Full membership or Associate membership status to persons or organizations that want to support the Association. Membership may be denied without reason. The General Assembly shall be entitled to appeal in favour, or against, the granting of Full or Associate membership. Honorary membership shall be awarded by the General Assembly. The Board or any Full Member may propose a person or organization for Honorary membership.
Sec. 4: Types of Membership
(1) The Association is the European network of national or regional 22q11 DS support groups. The members of the Association are either Full Members, Associate Members, or Honorary Members (together “Members”).
(2) Full Members shall be European regional or national 22q11 DS support groups which are legally constituted as a not-for-profit organization under the legislation of their own countries and which fully participate in the activities of the Association.
(3) Full membership is not open to individuals. However, the Board may grant Associate or Honorary membership to persons or organizations, on a case by case basis.
(4) Associate Members can be any association or persons, from any country, having a link with the 22q11 DS or wishing to support the purpose of the Association or for their contribution to the promotion or understanding of 22q11 DS.
(5) Honorary Members shall be persons or organizations that are awarded honorary membership for their special achievements for the Association or for their contribution to the promotion or understanding of 22q11 DS.